Is it over? — My Views My Country

"The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil"
Aug 16, 2009

Is it over?

Confused by this heading!! should be.....well some may say i am very late to say this but i have a reason.....well finally let me say this friends
Happy Independence Day question arises it already 12 oclock n why i am wishing now???? huh!!
a tuff one though but not tuffer than the conditions in which our country still remains in the shackles of countless ill practices and ill beliefs and still after 62 years of our independence we are not able to get out of it.But every year on 26 january and 15 august we feel proud wishing each other.
Do we really mean or practise what we actually say?
Do we really understand the meaning of freedom?
Do we really know what we are doing and where we are aheading?
Have we really got independence?

ahan!! not exactly.....we the urban population has taken the means of freedom in many ways but havnt taken the right mean till now....ya not even after 62 years.We feel very proud to say that we are the young and advanced generation of india.We are modern!! but the meaning of being modern is just limited to having lots of branded clothes,expensive accesories,funky bikes n cars,pubs,parties,going to malls with friends and everything else which doesnt not have to do anything with th ereal meaning of modernisation.
We feel proud to critisize government but we are the ones who litter on roads n public places,express our love on the walls of monuments,break rules for fun,when someone lying on road n needing help we think koi aur aake help karega!!
This is indeed the real face of todays india where people are just bothered about themselves n their near ones,humanity has lost its weight n money has become the extreme aim of life of people n to achieve this aim people are ready to try all the means...yes all the means i said!!

I wonder when we will get independence in real terms? when!!
15th august and 26 jan have just become another holiday and people are more interested to watch a SRK movie rather than the Prime minister/President message to nation.....i wonder how many people really know the name of our president?
Every night when you go to bed think what you have contributed to your country today....may be in a small way.Try to know the real meaning of independence and try to achieve it because we may seem to be independent but we are not independent from the evils which are prevailing in ourselves.
You are your own architect,its you who can give any shape to urself.A pot needs to get under fire and that fire provides its strength.Try to be on the path of truth and try to understand the real meaning of independence rather than living in a world of fantacy which will not remain for long.Be humane and stand with truth.
Make every day an independence day n get independence from the inner evils and social evils n illpractises.That's why i say its not over!!
With this message i would put an end to the ocean of my emotions and thoughts.
Once again Happy independence day!!


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