Politicians aka Termites — My Views My Country

"The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil"

It used to be a family where there were three pillars of poilitics,Indira,Sanjay and Rajiv Gandhi.But today the scenerio has changed,its Sonia Vs Maneka Gandhi and Rahul Vs Varun Gandhi.Sonia Gandhi an Italian by birth now commands the All India Congress Comitte and Maneka is a MP on BJP's ticket.Maneka is somewhat a faded chapter now.Her son Varun was in headlines during the recent loksabha elections.

Varun who just came out from his shell,is a beginner in politics and in his beganning only his thoughts and values were infront of the country.His hatered filled statements that were recorded by media against muslim society were unbearable and inhumane.A podgy guy with no brains and no values was exposed by media to a humane society.In the roads of politics his statements caught fire but these series of events were taken as an opportunity to target votebanks by political parties.

BJP fully backed Varun gandhi behind the curtain and from front too.While most of the political parties were more interested in claiming themselves to be the 'Maseeha' of muslim society.The inhumane statements of Varun made society to think and they rejected BJP and gave mandate to congress to form its government for the second consecutive term.But unfortunately Varun gandhi won from his constituency.If people wont take an action against such dirty politicians than noone can save society and people.It was the people of pilibhit that choose varun but its wasn't a win of values and truth.

I am happy that Mr. Sanjay Gandhi is not alive today,if he would be,he must not be able to see his son like that.The political stature is falling down day by day by such corrupt and inefficient politicians who are just concerned for chair and money.The 'Aam admi' is left way behind and such politicians are dividing society in name of cast and religion.

There are many politicians of such low dignity and values in India and thats the reason the we are not growing the way we should.Still there are lakhs of people who sleep empty stomach and hardly get meal once a day,Still there are places where people die because of hunger,Still there are places where people do not get drinkable water,Still there are lakhs of villages where there is no electricity,Still more than 40% population of India is illetrate,Still women are kept behind curtains,Still there are child marraiges,Still a women is raped infront of people and nobody stands for her safety.There are many more things to quote but its more important that everyone realises what's going and should react positively to situations.

We do not vote for a right candidate,we do not think beyond caste and religion.Still people like Varun gandhi,Raj thakrey,DP yadav,Raja bhaiya,Arun gawali,Pappu yadav,Shibhu soren and many more like them are sitting in chairs of MP'S,MLA'S and CABINET ministers.These politicians are eating our system,values,humantity,money like termites.There is a proverb that "with wheat the husk also had to grind".There are few good politicians too and its just because of them that our country is running.We will have to accept that out judisciary system and election commision is not that strong.We need to bring a change and that change can be brought by the common people of this country.

I am Hindu,I am Muslim,I am Sikh,I am Christian but at first i am a "HUMAN BEING".


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