Zephyrus and Hyacinthus
Attic red-figure cup from Tarquinia, 480 BC (Boston Museum of Fine Arts-Existence of homosexuality in past)
Attic red-figure cup from Tarquinia, 480 BC (Boston Museum of Fine Arts-Existence of homosexuality in past)
A million dollar question that is flaunting in air and is annoying many in this country and worldwide is regarding the legalisation of homosexuality.There have been traces of homosexuality in past too.In many epics and various artwork it has been found.Like every finger of hand is not equal likewise its also not necessary that relationships can be only between opposite sex.According to a scientific research around 5% of world's population is homosexual.In many parts of world homosexuality is considered as a disease but by a scientific research its proven that its not a disease but it is related with the hormonal behaviour.The recent orders that was given by the High court of India was in favour of the homosexual and trans gender people.This decision brought a wave of happiness among this section of socoiety and why not it is a big win for them.
They have been considered like untouchables,a part of society which lives within the society but does'nt have its identity,a part of society who was always behind the curtains but with this decision a new ray of hope have arised.
Why is it so that society decides that what is right and what is wrong?
Why an individual was not allowed to live his/her life according to his desires and needs?
Why can't an individual decide to live or marry with a person of same sex?
These are those questions that have been in the air for long and once again after the recent series of events they are flowing.Lets try to focus on the religious and social aspects of it.People who are against legalisation of homosexuality say that its against the rule of nature,religion and values.But the question arises that nature teaches to love all,religion and rituals are made and carried out by society and society is formed by people like us.Its a victious circle that starts and ends at same point but does'nt leads anywhere.
Its really imortant that people come out and accept these changes in society and it will be better for whole society.Its important to respect others feelings and homosexual people should talk to their family about their sexual orientation and their families should also understand the condition and should'nt force them.In india many cases came out in which the families of homosexual people married them forcefully to opposite sex and after few months almost 80% couples got seperated.This kind of thinking of their families ruiened many lifes.
Homosexuals and transgender people have always been insulted and considered untouchables by society and we have never ever thought about feelings of such people.Lets stop behaving like lunatic people.Its a time to bring a change and a change for good,a change that can bring happiness in lives of many people who were behind curtains for so long and we should act as a responsible society.Rituals and laws are made by society and its needed that in the web of laws and rituals we do not kill humanity.
Let them live the way in which they get utmost happiness withought hurting anyone.
"Laws are made so they can be changed"
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