You must have heard of "Life in a Metro",a blockbuster bollywood movie(thought i havn't seen it yet) but what i am writing today has a little connection to the movie and the connection is limited with having a similar kind of title.
Let me narrate a story today to you people and i won't justify my view point today,as you are an intelligent breed of readers(though i need to find more readers as i am really short of them :)
So here it goes.......
Every morning they used to get up early in the morning at 6am and get ready to reach their school by 7am.They study in 7th standard in a government school of Delhi.In this class there were 20 students and their loving class teacher Mr.Vedik Ramchandra.
Mr. Ramchandra is a man of values who is dedicated to impart the best of education and values to his students.He used to discuss about the problems and their family problems with the students.These discussion lead him to do something unusual.It was the first day of week and Mr.Ramchandra was bit late to the class and possibly it was first time he arrived late in class.But today he was having a big jute bag with him.Students were curious to know that what was there inside that bag.There was a wave of predictions in the class room.Some said that Mr.Ramchandra has brought toys,some said it was a bag full of chocolates(may be they were not aware of Mr. Ramchandra's pay) and some actually stayed quiet.
After taking attendence Mr. Ramchandra told the students that he will be giving them a project and with that he opened that big bag which was full of potatoes.But what's the use of potatoes asked Abdul a podgy cute guy.Mr. Ramchandra said that he will be distributing 5 potatoes to each student and the students will have to keep those potatoes with them for the next 2 weeks.They will have to carry potatoes everyehere they go, from the nature call in the morning till they go to bed in night.All the children were confused and as usual ekta asked a question....."Sir what's the use of keeping these potatoes?" Mr.Ramchandra said that he will tell the use on the 15th day,when this project gets finished but there were whispers all around in the class and everyone was sharing its own view.Mr. Ramchandra distributed potaoes in polybags to all students and reminded students to keep potatoes with them all the time.
The first day was onn and students were finding it interesting to take the potatoes everywhere even at nature call(must be difficult for them to hold potatoes there....but what can be done).The first day passed smoothly and when the students reached their school nextday they were quite happy about it as it was something unusual from their regular routine.Likewise the second day passed and by the third day children started finding it boring but they had no choice other than to continue the holding them.
It was the 5th day and by now the potatoes started smelling foul.Children complained to Mr. Ramchandra that it was not easy to carry potatoes with a foul smell but Mr.Ramchandra said "9 more days to go".
By the 9th day the condition was pathetic it was hardly possible for anyone to hold those rotten potatoes and the foul smell of potatoes was all around from the homes till their classroom. Students were not expecting this move but Mr. Ramchandra as usual showing his wonderful gesture told the students that the experiment was over.Students were confused and they did'nt knew howcome it was an experiment and howcome it got over as they had almost nothing to do except hold the bag all the time.
But what Mr. Ramchandra said was an eye opener for them.Mr. Ramchandra asked students to name those people who they hate the most.Almost 70 names came out from a class of 20 students.Now Mr Ramchandra said to students that the hatered that they do is like those rotten potatoes, you carry them all your life and each day it rottents more and more,smelling more and more foul but still you carry it.Its you who keep that hatered inside yourself for your entire life and that makes your life rotten like those potatoes.Throw away these potatoes from your life,throw away the hatered for people and love everything that is created by god.God's creation cannot be wrong and its a sin to hate the creation of GOD.By this time the students got the real message from Mr.Rachandra and all of them together went to Mr.Ramchandra and they threw the potatoes i dustbin and said "We promise that with these potatoes we are throwing away the hatered which is inside us" and it followed with a tight hug with Mr. Ramchandra.
This was a project,a project to revive humanity and to revive love for all and its important that we learn something from these kids.
The world knows them,Indias biggest and richest business family "The Ambanis".A poor man from a village of gujrat and his story from rigs to riches has been extraordinary.He brought a revolution in corporate world.Reliance Industries was a sapling that Dhirubhai planted and it grew so quickly that Ambanis total wealth made them the richest family in the world.Dirubahi ambani left us in 2002 leaving his two sons Mukesh and Anil behind to continue his dynasty.
As in an empire there can't be two kings likewise in the dynasty of Reliance the two brothers mutually partitioned and individually lead their own companies.The toatal wealth of Ambani brothers reached till $83.2 billion last year in november.This making them the richest family on this earth.
From time to time there were news about some differences between the brothers but it was never publicly out or accepted by the two brothers and their family.But recently both the brothers came out publicaly infront of media and their differences are worldknown now.Relience industry which is lead by Mr. Mukesh ambani has got contract for his refinary to drill gas at Krishna-Godavari basin and the gas was agreed to deliver to Anil ambani's power project and NTPC.But later Ril was not willing to provide gas to anil's power project and the price of gas was also revised which ignited the issue further.Both the brothers are fighting with each other publically and no chance is being left to prove the other wrong.
Even Dhirubhai would have'nt thought of this when he was alive.The two hands of dhirubhai have gone apart.This fight is more about Ego.In this case the two most richest people are infront but the values are nowhere in sight.
I wonder what's the use of such money if a brother is no longer brother and he is more a rival.A mother who can just see all this being happening infront of her eyes but she has very little to do.I always believe that money cannot buy happiness,money cannot buy relaions,money cannot buy time and money cannot buy life.These brothers may have everything but the most important thing is lost somewhere.The race to accumulate more and more money has created walls between them.
A woman has a very important role to play in a man's life.As a mother she is an institution to a child and a child gets knowledge and values from her.As a sister a woman is a companion and friend.As a wife she has a very important role to keep the family intact and to support her husband to excell.But i think the two ambani women have forgotten their roles to play or may be the real fight is being fought behind the curtains.Well whatsoever it be but the real achievement of one's life is not about how many numbers the bank account constitues rather its about earning relationships,god deeds and a good character.Money may be an essential thing but its not the crux.Excessive of ego leads to destruction and whats all that is going between the two "so called brothers" is just the start of mere destruction.
Attic red-figure cup from Tarquinia, 480 BC (Boston Museum of Fine Arts-Existence of homosexuality in past)
A million dollar question that is flaunting in air and is annoying many in this country and worldwide is regarding the legalisation of homosexuality.There have been traces of homosexuality in past too.In many epics and various artwork it has been found.Like every finger of hand is not equal likewise its also not necessary that relationships can be only between opposite sex.According to a scientific research around 5% of world's population is homosexual.In many parts of world homosexuality is considered as a disease but by a scientific research its proven that its not a disease but it is related with the hormonal behaviour.The recent orders that was given by the High court of India was in favour of the homosexual and trans gender people.This decision brought a wave of happiness among this section of socoiety and why not it is a big win for them.
They have been considered like untouchables,a part of society which lives within the society but does'nt have its identity,a part of society who was always behind the curtains but with this decision a new ray of hope have arised.
Why is it so that society decides that what is right and what is wrong?
Why an individual was not allowed to live his/her life according to his desires and needs?
Why can't an individual decide to live or marry with a person of same sex?
These are those questions that have been in the air for long and once again after the recent series of events they are flowing.Lets try to focus on the religious and social aspects of it.People who are against legalisation of homosexuality say that its against the rule of nature,religion and values.But the question arises that nature teaches to love all,religion and rituals are made and carried out by society and society is formed by people like us.Its a victious circle that starts and ends at same point but does'nt leads anywhere.
Its really imortant that people come out and accept these changes in society and it will be better for whole society.Its important to respect others feelings and homosexual people should talk to their family about their sexual orientation and their families should also understand the condition and should'nt force them.In india many cases came out in which the families of homosexual people married them forcefully to opposite sex and after few months almost 80% couples got seperated.This kind of thinking of their families ruiened many lifes.
Homosexuals and transgender people have always been insulted and considered untouchables by society and we have never ever thought about feelings of such people.Lets stop behaving like lunatic people.Its a time to bring a change and a change for good,a change that can bring happiness in lives of many people who were behind curtains for so long and we should act as a responsible society.Rituals and laws are made by society and its needed that in the web of laws and rituals we do not kill humanity.
Let them live the way in which they get utmost happiness withought hurting anyone.
The H1N1 influenza/ Swine Flu is a highly contagious virus and spreads in the same manner as an ordinary cold or flu. The virus spreads through the nose or mouth when someone coughs or sneezes. However, here are a few precautions that you can take to protect yourself and your family.
Symptoms of Swine Flu
Primary symptoms
* A sudden fever (a high body temperature of 38°C/100.4°F or above)
* A sudden cough
Secondary symptoms
* Headache / Tiredness or dizziness
* Aching muscles / Limb or joint pain
* Diarrhoea or stomach upset / Loss of appetite
* Sore throat / Chills
* Runny nose / Sneezing
* Fast breathing or difficulty in breathing
* Bluish or gray skin colour
* Severe or persistent vomiting
Preventive Measures
You can reduce the risk of catching or spreading Swine Flu by:
* Always cover your nose and mouth firmly with a tissue when coughing or sneezing
* Dispose of dirty tissues promptly and carefully
* Maintain basic hygiene, for example, washing hands often with soap and warm water
* Make sure you have a thermometer and enough cold and cough remedies in your medicine cupboard in case you or your family are affected by Swine Flu
Points to remember while wearing a mask
* Studies have shown that face masks seem to protect against Swine Flu
* The masks must be changed regularly as they don't work as well when dampened by a person’s breath
* Focus on good hand hygiene, staying at home if feeling unwell and covering the mouth while coughing or sneezing
What do you do in case you have the above symptoms?
Please consult your physician before you decide to go for any medication.
Osho....a name that's enought for its identity,a name that gave meaning to lots of lives and a name that's still remains alive.
I was reading an article of Osho today which was so blunt and true.Osho said that the people living in this world are hypnotised.Hypnotised by the ill traits and illwill.When a child is born he/she just knows the language of love.When he/she is in the womb he gets immense love and its just love which is known to an infant.But this world teaches him/her all the ill traits and hypnotises him/her.
Excessive of ego,over attitude,the race to show others inferior and obviously himself/herself superior,blind chase behind money and much more leads to the destruction of character and humanity.Every spoiled fish inturn spoils other fishes and this pond is getting dirtier every day.
With money one may buy lots n lots od things but there is one thing that can't be bought and that's "happiness and satisfaction".
Lots of people will attaract towards you like honeybees if you have money but my dear money can't buy a true friend,money can't buy relations,money can't buy time and money can't buy "Life".
I always feel that the bread you eat after doing hardwork tastes awesome and provides extreme satisfaction and happiness rather than expensive and variety of food bought from the money that is accumulated from taking bribes and other wrong means.
I believe that dogs are anyday better than such corrupt people,as dogs always remain faithful and don't eat their nation like termites.Each day i pray to god that do give brains to such corrupt people and to safeguard the interest of the right and innocent people.
A person who takes bribe or is corrupt by anymeans may enjoy various luxuries of life but the life doesn't ends after leaving the body.Each day when you look into mirror ask yourself is it you who is in the mirror,try to look inside yourself and see your character.Maybe there is lots of lust around but its you to decide between right or wrong.
Parents are like an institution to a child and he adapts whatever the parents taught a anytime in life don't give anyone a chance to say that you are corrupt because of your parents!!
"The achievement of life does'nt lie in your bank account rather it lies in your character".
Confused by this heading!! should be.....well some may say i am very late to say this but i have a reason.....well finally let me say this friends
Happy Independence Day question arises it already 12 oclock n why i am wishing now???? huh!!
a tuff one though but not tuffer than the conditions in which our country still remains in the shackles of countless ill practices and ill beliefs and still after 62 years of our independence we are not able to get out of it.But every year on 26 january and 15 august we feel proud wishing each other.
Do we really mean or practise what we actually say?
Do we really understand the meaning of freedom?
Do we really know what we are doing and where we are aheading?
Have we really got independence?
ahan!! not exactly.....we the urban population has taken the means of freedom in many ways but havnt taken the right mean till now....ya not even after 62 years.We feel very proud to say that we are the young and advanced generation of india.We are modern!! but the meaning of being modern is just limited to having lots of branded clothes,expensive accesories,funky bikes n cars,pubs,parties,going to malls with friends and everything else which doesnt not have to do anything with th ereal meaning of modernisation.
We feel proud to critisize government but we are the ones who litter on roads n public places,express our love on the walls of monuments,break rules for fun,when someone lying on road n needing help we think koi aur aake help karega!!
This is indeed the real face of todays india where people are just bothered about themselves n their near ones,humanity has lost its weight n money has become the extreme aim of life of people n to achieve this aim people are ready to try all the means...yes all the means i said!!
I wonder when we will get independence in real terms? when!!
15th august and 26 jan have just become another holiday and people are more interested to watch a SRK movie rather than the Prime minister/President message to nation.....i wonder how many people really know the name of our president?
Every night when you go to bed think what you have contributed to your country today....may be in a small way.Try to know the real meaning of independence and try to achieve it because we may seem to be independent but we are not independent from the evils which are prevailing in ourselves.
You are your own architect,its you who can give any shape to urself.A pot needs to get under fire and that fire provides its strength.Try to be on the path of truth and try to understand the real meaning of independence rather than living in a world of fantacy which will not remain for long.Be humane and stand with truth.
Make every day an independence day n get independence from the inner evils and social evils n illpractises.That's why i say its not over!!
With this message i would put an end to the ocean of my emotions and thoughts.
Once again Happy independence day!!
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"A life withought aim is like a fish withought water"
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