"Needs can be fulfilled but Greed can't".Our own people are eating this country like termites.Greed has taken over humanity. Politicians,Police,Bureaucrats are higly infected with money,power and chair mania.
We the common people who are the sufferers need to bring a change in system.We will have to unite to unroot such anti social and corrupt people from our country.The first step towards it is to vote for a right candidate.We should not vote on basis of caste and creed rather we should check the background of a politician and should vote for the right candidate.
The video below is compiled by me and shows a glimpse of such corrupt people.This video consists some of politicians,politician's kins,advocate,policemen,actor,spritual guru.
Just have a look at the long List of Corrupt Politicians(Click here).This list shows the complete criminal history of a politician.
As per 2004,below pics shows criminals by parties and criminals by state.
Kitna Badal Gaya Insaan. True; Needs can be fulfilled but greed can't. But, we can't do anything for the betterment of the country. Majority of people are corrupt & few people of the society can't change the system. We need another struggle for true 'independence'. We still slave to Police, Leaders & Bureaucrates. The whole system is being run by the Capitalist who have money and muscle. The common people does not have both thing. www.anvigilantcitizen.blogspot.com
We can do a lot..if the common man unites together we can bring a revolution.We indeed need a second fight for independence.Independence from sin,evil,corruption.Each one of us if starts to put her/his efforts the overall picture will get changed.Its time to say NO to corrupt politicians,policemen,officials and to the insufficient system.A child will have to tell his father that "Dad i feel ashamed of you when you take bribe" and small initiatives will also eradicate the flaws.
a society based on caste system will always turn out like this. So first eradicate caste systems from your minds, then watch India prosper
Rightly said, there is no place for caste syatem. We all are children of one god and we all are same and equal irrespective of caste, creed, gender, color.
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